And when we got, when we got a computer system backed up and running, so we could actually, and started taking zip codes again, we found out that an awful lot of those people that were buying that membership actually lived in Omaha. And the Royals Zoo, you know, which is Royal, there’s a town of, I don’t know, maybe 150 people in the whole town. They had about two little buildings and a couple of outside pins. And they had gotten a, a new director from Canada, not casting any dispersions on Canadians, but who had figured this thing out. And they, they were selling, they were selling a membership, very cheap membership in the Royal Zoo on the basis that it would get you into the Henry Doorly Zoo. And we didn’t know it, and we couldn’t track it until we got our, till we got our new system up and we had already signed an agreement. So we knew what was happening to us. I mean, we, you know, but we had a signed agreement that was a legal signed agreement.