Well, I think, yeah, basically by being pretty honest and straightforward. You know, you never want to get, you never want to get absolutely caught in a lie with the media, or, or, you know, and, and it hasn’t always been, you know. I’ve on two different occasions in my career, you know, I banned the World Herald from the zoo, which is our only daily newspaper. And, you know, the zoo is named after Henry Doorly, who was the former publisher of the World Herald. And I didn’t ban the Herald, I just banned an individual reporter who got out of line and he wasn’t honest. And, but, you know, I think you gotta, number one, you gotta cultivate ’em. You gotta, you gotta be honest and straightforward. You don’t necessarily have to volunteer anything you don’t want them to know, but if they ask you a question, you gotta answer it.