We staked out the outline of the building and the site, and put up some big tall poles so that she could visualize where it was going to be, how tall it was going to be. We, you know, we put a bunch of two bys in the ground that were, you know, that spiked, slapped together that were, you know, so that we could get 30 feet of height on the outside walls and put a big telephone pole in the middle so we could show her, it was going to be 80 feet tall in the middle and all of that. And then, took her to dinner at the Omaha country club, because Stan Howe, who was our architect, was a member of the country club and live next door to the country club. We took her to dinner there and, and we were waving our arms and pitching the, pitching the project. And finally, she kind of looked at me and said, all right, all right, enough, enough of this. She said, I like what I see, but this thing looks expensive. So just cut to the chase. What’s the bottom line.