(laughs) They, on the Lied Jungle, you know, that was eight, 8 1/2 year project to get to that first point where we could actually make the pitch. I can, one of the things that, there are things that you remember all your life. And we had been building up to this and we had done all the conceptual design, really in-house, with a little help from the architect who was doing it on the cuff for free, until we could actually get to raise the funds and whatever. And we did, you know, all of our elevations and renditions, and we had overlays that we had done kind of in-house, rather crude, but as it turns out the, you know, the Lied trustee, if we’d have gone out and hired, you know, a Bozell and Jacobs type firm to do a slick, smooth thing, it would’ve probably turned her off because she would have thought we were spending too much money and unnecessarily. So, and so that, you know, so the net result was, was that we had, we had done everything in house. We finally got to the point that she would give me an audience. So I flew out to Los Vegas, made the pitch. She agreed to come to Omaha to look at the site.