So if you had a project and, you know, and it usually required just kind of a cursory head nod from the president or the chairman of the board, that sounds like this was a good idea if you can raise the money. And then you, you know, then you went for it. As I think I said earlier, very early on, we kind of developed the, the policy that if you could get to the halfway mark, you know, and you thought you were in pretty good shape, you could just take a deep breath and jump off the end of the pier and start digging foundations and figuring you’d raise the rest of the money while you were building the bloomin’ thing. And I pretty much has worked out that way. We’ve started a lot of projects when we were only halfway there on the fundraising and, and we’ve been able to fund them and finish them on time. If you don’t fundraise, you don’t get to do anything. And so I wouldn’t call it a necessary evil, but it absolutely was necessary. I wouldn’t say it was necessarily fun.