Well, first you got to have, you gotta have a product to sell, and you got to have a product that you believe in. I think, you know, it’s kinda like, well, I don’t want to be too, too crass and commercial, but, you know, it’s, if you’re going to sell sewing machines, it’s gotta be a sewing machine that’s really good that you can believe in that works. So you gotta have a product, you gotta have a project that you really believe in, and that you’ve got some passion and fire for. And it has to be a project that people can understand. There are, there are people in this, in donors out there. And, you know, we had one of them who unfortunately passed away, not too long ago, who, you know, we first started out, you know, who would, would always pretty much guaranteed that if we had a project and we went to him and said, hey, here’s the project, and here’s what we’re going to do and all of that, would, you know, would make a donation of a million dollars or so. And then after awhile, he got to the point where you’d call him up and he would say, all right, just, you know, come to lunch and tell me what you wanna do, but don’t bring, don’t bring the plans. Don’t bring them, don’t bring the blueprints, just tell me what you want to do.