So now we had three kids at home and all taking a bottle, all in diapers. And Marie took care of them. You know, we just, we would take the dining room table out and set up incubators in the dining room and put the house in quarantine when like an orang or a gorilla baby was really young. And you know, when Marie was pregnant with Heather, and she was about eight and a half months pregnant, she said, well, you know, maybe we better send the animals back to the zoo because we had a leopard that was, oh, I dunno, somewhere 25, 30 pounds, an amur leopard living in the house with us. (chuckling) And an 11 foot African rock python with a bad attitude and a big aquarium. And so, and a new baby on the way, so. But, you know, without, without an extremely supportive and tolerant wife, you know, who happily is, likes to travel and has been with me in about 26 countries and the Antarctic, a whole lot of this wouldn’t have happened.