I put a team together from my shop. Luckily they were good strong Nebraska country boys and, and Ulie put a team together from graduate students and his techs from Minnesota. And we went down and in four days we immobilized, bled, TB tested, took blood samples from, hair samples, skin biopsies, and fecals from 384 animals. And including, including one night about 11 o’clock when we were all a little bit punch drunk, we went out and grabbed all of their whooping cranes and bled all their whooping cranes. (laughs) And basically we did a medical workup on virtually every animal in the whole New Orleans Zoo. We got criticized somewhat for that because we went in there and did all of that work at their invitation, but not quite the city’s invitation, as it turns out, when there was no zoo director. So we had a few people say, oh my gosh, you guys, and a bunch of vampires went in there and, and bled everything when there was nobody to defend them. But, but the net result was the, a complete reorganization of the New Orleans Zoo, of the Ottoman Park in New Orleans Zoo and their first professional zoo director.