I there’s, there’s nobody, there’s nobody, in my opinion, in the zoo world, living or dead, that had even remotely the same impact on the way we do, you know, zoo business and the way we do conservation. And it’s not just the zoo world. I mean, you know, he’s had huge impact on the way fish and game does conservation. You know, I was having a discussion with some guys up in Minnesota the other day on, on walleye, you know, and we were kind of butting heads until the minute I mentioned working with Ulie, and now he’s had impact on the Florida Panther, and CBSG has had huge impact around the world. And again, because nobody owns it. I mean, technically it’s a specialist group under the auspices of IUCN, the international union for the conservation of nature, but it is the most active and effective specialist group in the IUCM, and you know, Bob Lacy after Ulie, well, as when Ulie became ill. And then I took over as chairman of CBSG for a period of time. And then before Ulie passed on, we got Bob Lacey to agree and, and George Rab to support him in Brookfield.