San Diego had spent quite a little bit of money doing, trying to do the same thing. The thing that made it work though, is that it, ISIS was, did not belong to any one organization. You know, if ISIS, or when ISIS was going to be a British, you know, project program or a German project, or (mumbles), you would never have gotten anybody else to sign on. The fact that we fairly quickly realized that it had to be standalone, independent, that everybody could sign on to, that we would have a, an independent board of directors, and that all we really wanted from each, from AZA and from, you know, the British Zoo association, the German, because in those days there wasn’t a European zoo association yet. And the Germans and everybody was to sign on and, and tell our members that they needed to participate in this. And that’s a big thing that made it work. The other, the other big thing of course, is that, is that Ulie, along with being a first rate scientist, had incredible people skills. So there were many, many times when we had projects that needed funding and going where, you know, you would go and talk to somebody, a zoo or whatever.