You know, if you, if you’re fundraising, if you can get to the halfway mark, getting the second half is a lot easier than getting the first half, because you can use the first half as matching money. And that, you know, I don’t see, I don’t see zoos and museums and aquariums and all having difficulties, even though we’re in an economic recession or downturn, or simply because I, you know, the, the donating, you know, the, the people who have the wealth and who are capable of donating it, there’s still an advantage. If there is, if we get to the point where there’s no longer at tax advantage, then I think we’ve become like Europe. And, you know, basically nobody donates to a European zoo simply because there’s, unless you’re really, really interested in that zoo or that animal or that exhibit, there’s no real reason to. Well, let’s say you’re, let’s say you’re the keynote speaker before all these thousands of zoo professionals.