The same thing holds true for dolphins and killer whales and aquariums a whole lot of things. I mean, you know, if, if it wasn’t for dolphins in captivity and killer whales and Shamu, I don’t, I really don’t believe people would show the same concern and support. And so I think, you know, the, the zoo animals are really ambassadors that have helped save the wild. And in addition to that, with Maymay species, we’re doing a good job of at least preserving part of the gene pool, you know, from the wild, I mean, there are, you know, there are species of animals that are simply going to go extinct in the wild. They only place they’re going to continue to exist is in captivity. And it’s a sad thing ’cause you you’d rather have them, if you had your choice of in captivity or in the wild, all of us would choose survive in the wild, but since none of us can control that, we can only control what we can control, and we can control what happens in this country. We can control what happens in Europe, influence it. We, for the most part, we meaning the Western world, can’t control what’s going to happen in a lot of these wild spaces.