Well, (chuckling) two things, number one, that huge sand dune, you know, which is like, you know, is really not all sand. It’s on top of, of a, of an egg shape, concrete dome because down below is Kingdom of the Night, and that’s the night sky of the Louisiana swamp. So that sand that you see there is only two to four feet deep. And, and to get red sand that looked like Namibia, we had to go to Arizona. And one of the lessons we learned with some other things early on is that archaic sand, you know, sand that’s been buried and is quarried, you know, fine red sand, Namibian, colored red sand. And we ended up sampling four different quarries in Arizona. The first three had arsenic, cadmium, zinc, all kinds of horrible, heavy metals in them. And, and we, and we, ’cause we tested them and then we bio tested them, you know, bio test them with, well, the easy way is with tomato seeds.