And so, you know, we, we opened, we opened the Lied Jungle in April of 1992, immediately rolled into planning and designing an aquarium. The one good thing about having a long time team and span and all of the architect is that an architect that’s been working with you for a long time (mumbles) will do things on the cuff. So as far as when it came time to put a, you know, to decide how big and what kind of exhibits and what it was kind of gonna look like, you could get that done on the cuff without paying any money. And then that gave you something, cause you need something to show, you need some, you need some graphics, you need a, you know, not only a floor plan, but you need some elevations, some things to show a prospective donor as to what you’re going to do. And so, you know, from the idea about what would you like to do next, which was happened in the first part of April 92, we opened the aquarium in April of 95. You know, that’s three years of, that’s design and construction and raising the funds in three years. One of the other ones was, you know, we, because we’ve gotten to travel a lot and take a lot a lot, and do a lot of tours. You know, we, I’d taken an individual to east Africa with Marie and I on a zoo tour.