We went down and saw, and look, went through Disney’s botanical operation in Orlando. And Terry took us around and very quietly behind the scene said, okay, now we don’t know, Disney does not know anything about Legionnaires’ disease, but if I were you and I were going to do a jungle building with foggers, here’s the things I wouldn’t do. And as it turns out, you know, if you’re going to do foggers, you do foggers that, that are fogging with water that’s been run through a filter and it’s generating the fog directly. You don’t pipe it in. You don’t do, you don’t do Venturi type foggers because in that big, long duct and pipe is where Legionnaires’ disease grow. Turns out, Kew Gardens in London knew about a lot more about Legionnaires’ disease. There were a lot of people. And if, if you didn’t know that and if you just looked at the plans, you’d make that mistake all over again.