But I, I’ve got some very strong opinions that, that everybody ought to start out getting their hands dirty and working and sweating, and get to know the animals and know the animals personally. It’s not that you can’t, you know, get an advanced degree and do that, or, you know. But in many zoos, for instance, veterinarians are never, never allowed to have a role in animal management. They only treat sick animals. Well, a veterinarian that only treats sick animals is only doing half their job. The big, you know, treating, treating a clinically ill animal in a zoo, statistically is not a terribly successful thing because animals don’t show clinical illness until they’re much, much farther down the road in a disease entity than say a human or something who can complain and, and go to their doctor. And so that, you know, your, the percentage of success after an animal is clinically ill, the most useful function of veterinarian in the zoo is to be a part of the management staff and in, and be involved with animal management and preventive medicine and nutrition upfront before, before the animal gets sick. And so that the animal doesn’t get sick.