But he had sense to hire you. Well, or bad sense (muttering). Actually, it turned out to be really great because we were a great training ground. And, and because I got to dabble in virtually everything in the whole zoo and, you know, and have a say in, and because I had a professional appointment, which meant that I came out of, I came out of Columbus with a lot of confidence and a really big head of steam and a lot of enthusiasm because nobody could tell me what I could do or what I couldn’t do. And I think, you know, if I’d got that job in St. Louis or the job in Oklahoma City, that things would’ve been different. I want to jump ahead just a little, because you mentioned tranquilizers and starting to work with tranquilizers. You have had the experience and have been a manufacturer of a tranquilizer rifle and darts, based on my knowledge. Pull syringes.