And I know on the gibbon exhibit, I told them I wanted the gibbon exhibit, it was built on it on the level area, right off Olmsted Walk, but there was a huge embankment behind it I said, “I want that exhibit to extend down the embankment so that you keep the exhibits the same height that is on Olmsted Walk. But when you put it down over the embankment, you’re gonna increase the height of that exhibit for the gibbons.” And they didn’t do it. And I said, “You show me the plans that I just told you, I didn’t want, why?” “Well, it was gonna cost more and we didn’t think it warranted the cost.” I said, “That wasn’t your decision to make, especially not without talking about it first. So do it the right way.” And the same thing with when we did Monkey Island, I got one of the architects off the job because he just wouldn’t listen. And when they were gonna, I’m trying to think, when they were gonna do Amazonia, one of the same guy that I had the problems with on the gibbon exhibit had applied for the job for the Amazonia project. And I remember him coming up to me in the meeting after the meeting and saying, “I hope you’ll take into consideration that I’ve changed and I won’t fight anything that you’re recommending.” And I said, “Yeah, I hear you, but I’m not so sure, you’re a little too late because I think we’ve already made a decision,” but I mean, that was just the nature of the beast that you had to be really careful with who you did business with architectural firms.