I, I think the, the biggest thing that I’ve done in my approach has really been developing collaborations. And so I think getting together, getting together with my predecessor here at Brookfield when I was at Lincoln Park and working with University of Illinois and, and the other zoos to create the zoo pathology program, I think sort of developed an interest and in, in zoo medicine at the University of Illinois. And, and that group has really become a powerhouse in zoo and wildlife medicine. I certainly can’t take all the credit for that, but I think it helped the creation of some of these collaborations perhaps helped act as a catalyst. You know, 30 years ago in, in peaking the interest of the, the administration at University of Illinois, there was a, there was a presentation about the Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine at the recent zoo vets meeting a couple of weeks ago. And they, they were talking about where scientific articles come from in the journal, and they threw up a slide saying, you know, you can, you can parse the data lots of different ways. Here’s one that lists the, the, the frequency of articles by institution. And the very top one in all of that journal is the University of Illinois.