And she said it was terrible. I couldn’t, I couldn’t put him down. I, you know, he’d be all relaxed and I’d want to just take him and go to bed and I, you could take two hands off and he would hold you with his feet, and then if you got his feet off, he would hold you with his hands. And I would try and put him down and just have to completely give up and I’d have to go back and sit in the rocking chair again. So I thought, wow, that’s not at all the way I perceived that. Now you hand a a copy that tossed you into a wall. That’s what I heard. And this, as somebody that likes zoo stories and collects zoo stories, this is one of the better ones that I have, and I have no recollection of it because I was, I was working on an oppy, this was, was a female that had an ear infection. She had drooped ear and she was rubbing it.