So infectious diseases is perhaps not as important as it used to be in terms of a direct threat, something that you had to treat on a regular basis. But in terms of being aware of it as an environmental threat and something that can move between people and animals or wildlife and and animals or to zoo animals, it’s critically important. Covid covid had a huge impact, obviously on the global population, but it, it’s had an impact on zoo populations as well. And we have to, particularly during the, the heat of the covid outbreak, we had to manage our animals differently than, than we did previously to prevent humans from spilling over their virus into our zoo animals. And, and we wound up having to be very cognizant of it and had it pop up in parts of our collection that I and many zoo veterinarians weren’t really expecting it. The logical thing would be to have COD attack the things that were most like people. ’cause that’s what we were used to dealing with. That’s where the, that’s where the pandemic was happening.