Absolutely. I mean, you have the, I mean, part of it started with the, the hospital. The hospital opened about a week or two before I started. So I walked into a brand new building, but there was also a significant amount of budget that had been allocated for equipment that hadn’t been spent yet. So, so I was helping to equip the hospital and in terms of support, equipment, anesthesia, monitoring, equipping the laboratory. So one of the, the clinical chemistry analyzer that we had in the laboratory was a relatively, a relatively new piece of equipment designed by Kodak to do, you know, where you could put in a, a blood sample and a relatively small blood sample and get a whole ray of chemistry tests done on it. And it was such a new piece of equipment that after we were here and that was installed, we had people coming from human hospitals to, to see this for the first time because they were considering it for, for their operations. So, you know, we had the opportunity, you know, as we, as we moved into and kind of christened this new facility we had, you know, that that gives you much more than an incremental opportunity to kind of up your game. You know, you can, you can make a, a pretty big leap all at once in terms of the space and, and equipping that.