Well, there were, at the time there were two internships in zoo animal medicine, one at San Diego and one at National Zoo. And so I applied for both of those along with 60 or 70 other folks from across the country. And, and I actually was first alternate at National Zoo, so I was one person away from being the, the intern at national. And I didn’t, I didn’t realize this at the time, but they, their senior vet at the time went on a medical leave and then retired. And so right about the time I was coming out, they, you know, when I was had applied for the, the internship there, they offered the current intern the chance to stay on another year, and if she had left, then they would’ve taken the, their choice for the first candidate as well as taking me. And so, and, and so I was, I was really rooting for her to go on, move on to another zoo somewhere else, but she stayed put and I wound up not getting that either of the two internships and did a year of private practice. So I was in a practice, you know, a classmate of mine and I both went into a big multi veterinarian, small animal practice in Indiana. And, and then I applied, I applied for the internships again.