I mean, there were, you know, if they tried to go in and sort out problems with as they saw problems zoo, they simply didn’t have the expertise and certainly not the expertise to go beyond the immediate emergency needs. And so what, while welfare is doing is taking a long-term, look at many of these organizations and helping them not only individual zoos, but also these institutions in trying to build their capacity for the long-term future. So that, that’s my, when you ask the question, what’s my involvement with the zoo world, it’s sort of slightly tangential, but in a way it’s actually a fundamental part of what the zoo world, what the established zoo world should be doing anyway, should be doing, should be doing. I would, you know, go, you know, one or two of the, the, the questions we’ve, we’ve been, you know, we’ve raised earlier, you know, should, should established zoos be helping other zoos in developing countries. Yep. And that’s one of the things that while welfare is trying to get ’em to do, both San Francisco Zoo and Miami Zoo right now have, have a strong interest in, particularly in south and and Central America. We have two zoos in the UK also also interested in, in a similar sort of partnership and then the other. And, and so that’s the sort of direct thing relating to an, to an earlier question.