If you, if you are engaging your audience more effectively, then your long-term survival is going to be more assured than it is if you’re not bringing them in. So finding out what they feel about your zoo, their zoo, you know, it’s that it’s your audience that you need to survey a lot of people, a lot of, a lot of surveys that you see, not just about zoos, go much broader beyond the audiences that they’re necessarily addressing. So yes, in, in, in our particular case, we did quite a lot of serving of what our audience felt about what they were seeing, and particularly that point I was making just now, not so useful what they saw, the, you know, when you question them going out the gate has some use, what’s really important is asking those same people, if you can get to them a month later, what they, what they remember and what was most important to them about their day out, that actually gives you a lot more information than the day that they actually came.