Absolutely never a dull moment. I mean, that’s, you hear, you know, you hear so much from, from young folks about jobs that are boring jobs that, you know, because so many young people want to be sort of on the move subject wise, they’re always looking for something new. There’s no better world than the zoo world, frankly, for something new because nothing will be the same from one day to the other. Now that’s a challenge for some people. Obviously a lot of people are much more comfortable having something they can predict on a day-to-day basis. But the, but if somebody, and it’s happened a lot, obviously, usually, usually moms with a 13 or 14-year-old daughter who want to get in the veterinary field, want to become a zookeeper, whatever. And, and when they ask why, you know, why should I, you know, this is a, it doesn’t pay well, you know, it’s, you get, they get dirty hands, you get all sorts of things. But as a satisfying job, as a job with change, the job of challenges as a job, if given the responsibility you can really take a pride in, there’s nothing to touch a career in the zoo world.