And because the last building that was completed was the Small Mammal Building, and that was in WPA period, which was in the mid 30s, the Elephant House was built during that period, the Bird House was built during the mid 20s, the Monkey House was built in the early 20s, the Lion House was built in 1898. So, I mean, they were all these buildings that were not only old, but the money that was available couldn’t pay for the repairs that were needed to a lot of the buildings. And so the money started to come in, not only for the physical plant, but also to staff the zoo with more professional people. I think his first hire was an educator, Mary McGrain, and then we hired our first general curator. I mean, the zoo was run by a head keeper who had been there for ages. Actually, when I started, there was another head keeper who I can’t remember the name of, but then he retired and Ralph Norris took over and they knew their collections, but they weren’t very good at managing people. We had some people that were in charge of groups of people up in the hoofstock area that were illiterate. I mean, they could not read or write, so they couldn’t write reports, and this is what Reed was dealing with.