And I, and I, I’d met said, you know, probably not, not accepted well that, that the London and which they zoos needed to change, that we need to lead the way in how zoos were run, were designed with, you know, how they looked at their collections, how they looked at their public. And that was not a very popular thing to do. And what then happened was that the, this board, the board at the time decided that they wanted, which was a very old move, decided to split the society into five divisions. So it landed up with a director of, of, of science, a director of the zoos, a director of the library was another director. And that, you know, and so, and, and another one over whips note that did not survive for very long as you can imagine. ’cause there was no one person really in charge. And, and in the end I was put in charge of all of, all of that, but the debate still continued. So I opted in the end after a lot of debate, lot, a pretty heated debate to concentrate on the new division, which I’d founded the conservation and consultancy division and continue to build that up.