Yes, it’s a, it’s a tale I’ve told several times to young Pando watches, you know, in the last 20 years. And it, it’s a, it’s a tale really of where cooperation failed and where people couldn’t see why cooperation in zoo species management was so important. We had this particular pair of pandas, when I say that the female was, the female was never a very good in, I had to anesthetize her over 300 times in her lifetime, mostly for just intravenous feeding. I mean, just, just to give her some sort of nutrition. And in the end, I, I euthanized her. There was no future for that animal. But we did have a very healthy male. And at the time, of course, this was the time when pandas were political gifts, so I think Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Tokyo, there, there were four or five other zoos that had pans, all of which had been political gifts.