Well, it was, it was still living in that sort of rather competitive era. We, we act, we had one gorilla guy, the gorilla. And I always, I always remember having to remove his last teeth, poor animal because he’d been given too much sugar. But it was, it was still very much in the traditional role, hasn’t really changed very much. The exhibits have improved, a lot of the exhibits have improved, but because of the restrictions on space, London Zoo today is still not very different to the London Zoo of, of 50 years ago. Very much convened. I mean, it was very much sort of ruled by Soly Zucker by Lord Zuckerman, who was a, originally a, a professor of anatomy. So he, he was very much into the medical sciences and one of the great things he did while he was there was found the Nuffield Institute and the Welcome Institutes of comparative medicine and, and and physiology.