There were one or two publications you mentioned. We were talking earlier about Lee Crandall, Murray Fowler, but they were the only thing, there was nothing like the sort of specialist veterinary care that there is today. And so we had, we had to wing it and because it was large mammals, most of which were completely un handleable, you know, in a, in a physical sense, although that’s what they’d had to rely on in the past. So we, we got pretty heavily into the, what was then the new field of, of tranquilizers dark guns and, and animal immobilization sometimes, sometimes anesthetizing, immobilizing 10 to 15 animals a day. So in my, and I, I kept notes of all that. I think in the period, the seven years that I was the veterinary surgeon there, we, I think wem mobilized over 5,000 animals. And many, many of those species like moose and muskox were, were probably the first time they’d ever been immobilized. And no, we all, we all we could do was draw, draw from domestic animal data and, and trial and error.