So father used to have, you know, he would have a two on a Sunday morning, we’d have two or three baptisms in a row on a Saturday. He’d have three weddings in a row ’cause of the picturesque nature of the church. And so we boys were sort of basically thrown on the good offices of aunts and uncles. But that again, was very, you know, was very influential in, in sort of developing that interest in the countryside. And I think to some extent, you know, having that broader interest in countryside things than just simply the animal or plant species. And then later on at, I went to boarding school at a fairly, fairly early age, actually eight in, I was eight years old and had a, a sort of possible treble voice. Got into St Paul’s cathedral choir in the city. And it was a time just, it wasn’t long after the war, second World War, it was in 1953, end of 1953.