And at the time I’m standing there and Jack says, “echidna laid an egg.” And I said, “You’re kidding me,” and I opened the door and Jean’s coming around and I take the egg out. And I say, “This is amazing, Jean, look at this.” And Jack says, “Let me see, let me see.” And I hand it and I go like this and the egg falls on the floor. Well, I can’t even begin to describe the expression on Malania’s face when that happened. And then we had to explain to him that it wasn’t an echidna egg. And then a few months would go by and we had had an aardvark, which had almost monthly problem with constipation and in this one particular week was really bad and Jean kept writing on the back of the card, aardvark didn’t defecate today, didn’t defecate today, didn’t defecate today, probably needed to contact the vets. So Jack and I came in that morning and this aardvark had defecated. So we cleaned the cage. And at the time we were using this diet A, I don’t know whether you were familiar with that, but it was a dough that consisted of a highly vitaminized.