And the other thing we’re learning, which I found very interesting, and both San Diego and Tampa participated in different studies about the amount of heat that we are bringing into these exhibits due to the gunite, the amount of radiated heat that comes off of that and what it can do negatively for an animal. So let’s lessen this gunite as much as we can and be careful of that. I mean, when you see some of these studies, it’s like, wow, we’ve been making some big mistakes here when it comes to that. It’s an easy way to create a barrier and it can be done looking like a rock and it looks fantastic, but the end result is it’s creating a lot of heat sink at the same time. So you know, there’s always challenges in exhibit design and I try to keep a very open mind. I enjoy working with architects that have experience in zoo architecture and like everybody else, I’m getting frustrated when the architect has no experience in zoo architecture. But I really, really enjoy it.