Every year the plan is reviewed to make sure that it’s still current and every department head is supposed to read that and make sure their sections are accurate. All employees are sent home except the ride-out team and they’re not to come back in until all-clear is given. We accept no support from outside the community to come in to help us clean. I think I talked about that off-camera before. It’s like, no, we want the professionals in because we’ve got a lot going on in a very small environment. So we’d been through one and we’d been through a category, well, it was a two, it went down to a one as it went over Tampa. And oh my gosh, the amount of debris, took us two days to clean up the zoo just so we could get it open for the public. So then after the hurricane passes, you assess your damage, you assess what’s going on, and then you want to get open as quickly as you can to get, obviously, you’ve lost a lot of revenue.