None of us are architects. You can’t turn it over to them. You’ve gotta be part of it. When I hear my colleagues complaining about, oh, that didn’t turn out the way I wanted it because, that’s because you were absent, you’re an absentee owner, you gotta be involved, you gotta invite yourself, you gotta get in the head of the architect, the designers, whatever it is to make sure you’re part of it. And so, yeah, I mean the zoo right now is starting to ramp up for its next series of master plan projects. Now, that Manatees is funded and underway and whether that’s Africa or South America, don’t really know at this point. There’s the skeleton of all of that, but it needs a re-look. And you know, things have changed and you can’t just set out and say, oh, we did that back in, you know, 2000, looks pretty good to me, let’s go forward.