Yeah, they knew me, I’d been in curator positions before, but now I’m their boss. I had budget issues at the zoo that were like, I didn’t put this budget together, I inherited this budget, but all of a sudden I’m the one that’s getting called in by the CFO and the Director to answer the following. So there were points, to be honest with you, where I wondered if I had made a mistake and just went a little too far too quick. It worked itself out, in large part, due to Jim’s counseling and coaching. And I’ll be honest, a lot of hard work, I mean, sleepless nights, long days. And I had to learn how to listen, which is something that I wasn’t always really good at before. ‘Cause rather than coming in and saying, okay, zoo, this is the way it’s going to be. And them thinking the upstart from the wild animal parks, you know, coming into our territory, I listened and I paid attention to what they were saying and slowly started to integrate new things.