(Robert laughs) Well, I was driving; it was down through Alabama, not Alabama, Louisiana; and saw this bird fly across in front of me in the swamps of southern Louisiana. Bird flew across in front of me the way parrot, I mean woodpeckers, fly, and I saw this bird: “My God, it looked like a ivorybill woodpecker,” which is almost extinct. I was on my way. I was delivering some antelope to Louisville, not Louisville, Houston, and going back to Louisville. When I got back, there was an ornithologist, professor at the University of Louisville, very world-renowned, and I described what I saw, and he said, “That’s gotta be an ivorybill. It has to be.” He said, “The only place you can find them these days is exactly where you said you saw it,” and he described it. So that’s where that ivory bill… I’d never saw it.