Well, they should have had a pet sometime in their lifespan, they should be an animal person, that knows how to handle themselves around an animal, that’s not scared of animals, that exudes confidence, you know, to both themselves, and also their keepers, and then keeper leaders, and just knows how to handle themselves, and is, you know, is somebody you can talk to and reason with. I mean, I’ve met some of those, and some of those, we have evolved into that type of a situation, I’ve had some that had no business even being in, outside, should have been outside the visitor area. I won’t mention any names right now, but I think we’ve all seen that. I don’t think it’s … Yeah, I think that, they have to be good people, managers. I mean, ’cause they’re dealing with their keepers, and they have to try to be the, I guess the mediator between veterinarians, and the keeper on the animal things is keepers become more emotionally involved in their animals, which I don’t have a problem with if it doesn’t become pathological. And too many times I’ve seen pathological attachment to their animals, that I think is destructive, both to the animal care, and to the person who is exhibiting it.