I looked at that question, I found that very interesting, ’cause I need you to define what is good. I had trouble with that question, since it was the first question. I guess I would say a veterinarian that was successful in their career for a long period of time, and made significant or good contributions to animal health. Well it’s an overused term, but I think you need dedication and commitment to doing that, and you probably, you need to have good, basic medical skills. And when I used to tell people that wanted to go into zoo medicine and, you know, and come right out of vet school, and get an internship, I used to say, well I kind of used my, pardon me, career as a model, where I went to Angel, and got intensive training in small animal, and I explained that to him, I say, “You can come here and train with me, but you won’t see, you won’t do, you know, the number of surgery cases, in the whole year that you’d do in a month or in a couple weeks in a small animal internship, and the number of cases you’ll see, that you can actually work up and get hands on and do that, it’s gonna be very few.