How can we modify diets basically to better meet the nutritional needs with what you’ve got without going to zoo premium or somebody else that has all these diets with all the vitamins and everything already mixed in it.” And so that was the way that we approached it, and I found that a bit more rewarding, and I think it was probably better than bringing, you know, people over to study with you for two weeks or something, because it could hit a two-week-hiatus, where you did nothing. You know, it had not much to do. What kind of team did you bring with you when you did this, yourself and … Well it was a reproductive team, ’cause we were doing reproductive stuff, and sometimes like, well we went to, I got a call right after September 11th, after the, you know, the attack on the World Trade Center, from my colleague, John Knight. He said, “Mitch”, he said, “I’ve got a training program to that I’m obligated to do in Russia.” And it was about two weeks later after the big, you know, scare and he said, “We need to give a training program to the zoo veterinarians in Russia.” He said, “Can you help me?” I said, “Yeah, let me make a few phone calls.” So we got some phone calls and I got about eight or 10 people and we flew to Russia, and spent two weeks over there, we got a head of nutritionist, we had some, couple other clinical veterinarians, and we gave some courses like that, but sometimes it was associated with training courses that Chris Wemmer and Rudy Rudran were part of the Smithsonian training of non-veterinarians, I would go with them and the veterinarians would be there, and we would anesthetize animals with their veterinarians, and show them, and mainly show the curators and administrative people that you could anesthetize animals, you know, with a little bit of training, and there was survival afterwards, because what I found in many of the developing countries, the veterinarians were so terrified of anesthetizing an animal, that they would not do it, because if they anesthetized an animal and it died, they were basically fired. And so the animals would maybe not receive the treatment, and die.