It was just, it was there, and we took off with what we did, I think the most unique part of the place, I had a hospital there at least, and it was not the best hospital in the world, but the first thing as you drove into the hospital was the pathology department with the loading dock, where we did the pathology, so that kind of dictated what had been happening, the animals came to the hospital, most of ’em came to be autopsied, and we tried to change that. And the story was, “Well, the last person that was seen with the animal before it died, was a veterinarian.” So we wanted to try to change that image, which was kind of pervasive at the time, and I think we did a little bit. My classic story is I always wanted to put the pathologist out of business, and have them just see geriatric cases. But we haven’t achieved that yet. Not 100%.