I would say bringing them in as collaborators, because you have to direct them. You know, if somebody comes in, and thinks they’re gonna do all this stuff, and do all these things and do, I said, “We can’t do that on this animal. You know, it isn’t gonna work. Trust me that this won’t work.” Like I’ve had some dentist come in and try to take a bear’s tooth out with their instruments, and so I let them, you know, try, and then I say, “Now here’s a hammer, a mallet and a chisel.” And I said, “What you do is you go up, and have to split the periosteum, and go up and get above the root, and take it out.” So you know, you use them for their expertise, but you can get into trouble sometimes by turning over your patient to them, which I don’t do. I had in the past, but I don’t do anymore. What kind of unique cases did your collaboration with medical doctors in Baltimore, can you give me one that … Okay. Now this is …