They had him laying on his back, and so he was gurgling pretty bad. So we had to turn him over before we even got, and got about a pint of saliva out of him, and then he breathed okay, and put him in an ambulance, and took him to the airport with a police escort. And the driver was a bit nervous with the patient back there and was trying to make conversation, said “So well how long is he gonna be under anesthesia?” And I guess I was a bit flippant and I said, “Well, about another five, 10 minutes.” And that time the pedal went to the metal, and we passed our police escort, the county escort that was waiting for us at the county line, and got there about five minutes before our police escort did, put him on the plane, and everybody was taking pictures again, and we put him in the back of the plane, ’cause Hefner had a round bed in the back of the plane, and had windows that you could polarize with, and had a beautiful spread over the bed, and they took the spread off, but the bed, I hate to break any illusions was just a piece of foam rubber, about three inches thick, and I’ll tell you that foam rubber would never smell the same after that gorilla laid on it. For anybody that’s been up close and personal to a gorilla knows their body odor is quite pungent. So I assume Hefner got a new mattress, but then put him on the plane, everybody was standing around and the pilot comes back, and was looking at him, and we had bunnies on the plane, ’cause the plane was not supposed to go anywhere without Playboy bunnies. And the pilot was a former pilot for Air Force One, so I felt he probably, you know, Hefner went first class, and so I said, “Well, can we get going?” He said, “Oh, you wanna get going, okay.” So he chased most of the people off the plane, and we took off, and we’re climbing out of Baltimore Airport there, and all of a sudden the gorilla sets up in the bed, and is holding his ears, because of the pressure changes and you know, he was … So he was just almost awake, so we pumped a lot more Serilin in him, and got him back to … Got him to Phoenix, offloaded him, it went well, and that gorilla particularly had a habit of regurgitating, and then re-ingesting his food, which many gorillas do.