I mean you were coming from one job, you could just come in there and make rounds, or did you check in with someone, and they told you what they wanted you to look at, or … Well, from my house where I was living out in the suburbs of Baltimore, the zoo was right on my way, so I’d just pull off on one of the exits, and go in the morning and talk to John Moore, or whoever was there and say, you know, “What do we need to look at?” Or they’d say, you know, sometimes it’d be a little early to say, “Well we think we’ve got this and gonna need to do this”, and so I’d say, “Well okay, I’ll stop back by on the afternoon on my way home, and bring whatever I needed, you know, from the Hopkins”, you know, whether there’s some surgery stuff or some medicine, ’cause I basically had no hospital or anything at the Baltimore Zoo. So that was kind of the way I worked that, and then on the weekends if I knew something was happening, or then we’d go ahead and go out there, and spend an afternoon, or good part of the morning doing whatever needed to be done.