And then, you know, we’re that much closer.” “Well, I, it’s not convenient for me, and so I’d rather do this.” “Fine, I’m with you. I wanna make it easy on you, wherever we meet.” So I went to Los Angeles, we do all that stuff. We get on the giant bird in New York, and we go 16 hours to Riyadh, New York to Riyadh. And it was Saudi Airlines. And for the first time I saw there was a giant compass, which of course, always, no matter where the plane, which way they turned, it would point to Mecca. And every few hours on that 16-hour flight, most of the people in the plane would say their prayers, which is part of the religion. So I got there and I was met by what I call the Three Musketeers, my three Saudi bosses. And one of them was brilliant, one was the gladhander, and one was the businessman.