Or is the animal $5,000, and half of it’s 2,500?” “Well, Mr. Stewart, I have to be honest with you, it’s 2,500. But if you could spare the rest, we could take care of the freight and all that sort of thing.” “Well, okay, I’ll give you $5,000 for half of this animal, and you tell me Kirk is gonna maybe donate the other five.” “Well, I think he probably will, if he has to, sure.” “Okay. Put me down. I’ll get check in the mail to you.” “Okay, thank you.” “Look forward to seeing you next time I’m in Fort Worth. I’m doing a movie on the air command at the local air base.” He was a General, Stewart was, in the air force. Okay. About 20 minutes later, the phone rings. Fortunately, I was still there. “Hello, this is Jimmy Stewart again. I wanted to ask you one critically important question.