Maybe one from each of you that, “I remember I was there when.” I see, well when you said blowdown, thank goodness I was never on a tent circus when they had a tragic blowdown, but I do remember there was a tornado sighted that was coming. All the weather reports said it was coming to this town that the circus was already had the tent up and everything. And so the word was out that they had to take the tent down right away. And, oh, I was just a kid, but there were things that everybody could do. Everybody pitched in, in other words, and whoever was in charge of of tents would tell ’em what they needed to do to help ’em get everything down fast because this was fast approaching. To me it was exciting ’cause I saw this funnel coming in the distance, and everybody was hoping, of course, it wouldn’t come our way, which, thank God, it did miss us, but it made me know that when I heard of blowdowns, people were actually in the tents and have a blowdown like that. What a trial it must have been for them. So let me think what else.