And Andy Teare was the vet at the time and we started, we did a deer sterilization program, worked beautifully. So, you know, that’s when I started working with the wildlife, local wildlife people and so we, you know, we had the same, we radio-tracked the deer at the zoo, Andy put collars on them and just did, vas, not vasectomies, tubal ligations on the females. And we just concentrated on the females, ’cause the females come back every year and have babies at the, you know, bring their babies. And so we were able to, so the females came back every year. So we had females at the zoo and then after the last one died out, the zoo didn’t have any deer on zoo grounds for 10 years. And so I had talked to, Highland Park Police brought me down to talk to them about that and then later, we started a project in Highland Park to sterilize deer on one side of the highway and not on the other and radio-tracked it. That project went on for about five years. It just was too expensive.