It depends on the animal and whether there is a wild to do it in and I think that the big change has been being able to introduce, with veterinary medicine, being able to do sperm collection and ova collection. And then, you know, you may not take the animal back to Africa, but you will, you know, take the, you will use sperm from a captive male, whatever. And I think that’s helped zoo collections, because as you got into, we got into managing animal collection, so you didn’t have so many surplus animals, ’cause that was a huge issue when we started. You don’t have genetically healthy populations, so you need to be able to, you’re not getting animals from the wild. I mean, there’s still, when we started, most animals came from the wild even. I mean, if you had breeding success, it was your secret. You know, you didn’t share that secret with anyone else. And as you’ve gotten into cooperative breeding programs, you can go to a meeting and they’ll say, well, you need to breed this male and this female.